Psychology of Interview

“Inter-view” is a process where an interviewer and interviewee share their views with each other. So it is basically a structured conversation between two or more individuals. Interview is a procedure where the interviewer (or a panel) search for specific skills in the interviewee to see if he/she is apt for the particular role in their organization. This is common for a job role or a student.

In an interview, there are different roles for an interviewee and interviewer.

Interviewee’s role include:

First of all you have to ask yourself, “Am I suitable for this role?” If you are confident enough in this question, then the next steps would be a piece of cake.

From the organization’s perspective you are just one among many of the applicants they have. But for you to excel in your interview there are just few skills you should have.

These include:

To present yourself appropriately. First impression is the best impression. Imagine you are going for an interview for the sales manager post, and you are wearing a dhothi and white shirt may not be suitable. So there are certain representative heuristics identified by the society to which you will have to abide by. This creates a first impression.

Observation skill. You should be aware about your surroundings. There might be some cues you get from the environment that can help in your interview. Also, during the session too, you should be observing the panel, their way of questioning and most importantly observe yourself. Are you walking properly inside the room, sitting and behaving normally, is your heart rate normal, your way of answering etc.

Communication skill. This is the major part. This is the major part which helps in creating best impression on you. how far you are able to answer to the point, are you being offended if at all they try to trick you, how far you are being genuine by accepting the things you are not aware of, are you listening properly to the questions, maintenance of eye contact, your pitch and tone etc. are conveyed through your communication skills. Remember, crisp and to the point answer is always preferred than beating around the bush

Presence of mind. The interviews can be roller coasters at times. It is your presence of mind which can help you then. If you stay frozen, it won’t help you in getting through. How pleasing the session can be is mostly in your hands.

Preparation is the key. You should be aware of the eligibility criteria they are seeking for. So use your common sense to know what might be the areas from which they could test you on. For example, if you are applying for a teaching post, definitely you will have to present a mock class. So prepare in such a way that the lesson you take is crisp and clear; and you are ready to answer any question from that part. Mostly, the interviewers ask questions based on our previous answers. So try not to give a scope of another question.


What you should expect from the interview?

Interviews may be easy or difficult or quite okay for the candidate. But the panel might be consistent and specific about what they expect from interviewee. Their role will have certain characteristics which need to be fulfilled by the person they hire.

For those who fear interviews, it may be because they are not confident in themselves or their abilities. What hinders them to speak up when situation demands can be this fear in them. But the fact that they need to understand is, if they believe they are suitable for the role as per their profile, it is the company who need to pay them for their skills. So they check ‘are you the right candidate for whom they should pay’. Once the members in panel were interviewees too. Who knows what blunders they made then? So if you are prepared enough to face them, then it’s just matter of few minutes which they are going to assess. Give it your best shot. 

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