What is Consciousness?

Consciousness is alertness of one’s majority and one’s environment; self-awareness is understanding of that sensitivity – not only rationalism that one exists but further understanding that one is aware of one’s existence. Another jog of thinking about it is: to be self-conscious is to think; to be self-aware is to realize that you are a thinking being and to think about your thoughts. Infants are self-conscious – they respond to order and white things around them – but they are not self-aware. During the first years of their life, they develop a make sense of self, learn to recognize themselves in the pane or mirror and to distinguish their point of view from the other people ’s perspectives. Only later on in revive, around the old age of three or four they become self-aware of their reactions. When you are self-conscious, it feels like you are on step and every stop, and every jig it’s been scrutinized by the audience you became self-conscious of your every step, words and actions.


One person who is self-conscious, the consolidate of pay attention gets “stuck” on herself, i.e. self-consciousness mode; in those moments you want to be able-bodied to pay close attention to the content and be completely involved in the conversation, instead, you are detached from yourself by being too locked up “in your head”. Unlike other people, who’s unify is outward, for the self-absorbed person, their focus is inward.


 Everybody else gamester their one who lives dangerously almost unconsciously and with ease, but for the solo who struggles with inferiority it is not that way. Everything in their one who lives dangerously revolves around them because that is where their axis is. One of the outward explanations of self-consciousness is blushing. The correcting of blush, the become more casual selfish you become, and your worry about blushing, in turn, increases your tendency to blush. Because it is a habit, a learned well-behaved, it can be unlearned. By eliminating any underlying reasons for your blushing behaviour such as an old embarrassing incident and building self-confidence and inner belief you can leave your blushes behind you. Self-consciousness is often associated with modesty and embarrassment, in which in any case a sparseness of pride and low-esteem can result.


Self –awareness keeps us grounded, attuned, and focused. Sometimes the public can become overly self-aware and swerve into what is known as self-consciousness. Have you ever felt like everyone was watching you, judging your conduct, and wanting to see what you do next to? The heightened exhausted of selfish perceptiveness can leave you feeling awkward and nervous in some instances. In a feed-lot of cases, these feelings of self-consciousness are only momentary and arise in situations when we are “in the spotlight”. For some people, however, self –consciousness is more serious. People who are privately selfish have an upper level off of private self-awareness, which can be both a good and bad thing. These human races tend to be becoming more skilled not aware of their feelings and beliefs, and are therefore more likely to stick to their personal values. They are also more likely to suffer from negative health consequences such as increased stress and anxiety. Self-awareness is having a perceptive notice of your singularity including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.


Self-awareness allows you to understand other people, how they perceive you, your good attitude, and your responses to them at the moment. Self-awareness is the first step in creating what you want, where you combine your attention, your emotions, reactions, personality, and behaviour that determines where you go in life. How to become more advanced Self-aware Learning to be not aware of yourself isn’t always easy, but mastering this aptitude is a move at great speed windfall, one that will help you to enjoy your life more. So, how can you detach yourself from being reduction in your head shaker and loosen present with yourself? First of all, you need to explore the underlying tenets that caused you to be overly self-conscious. Once you figured the cause, there are not often elation skills that you could preliminary practice so that you can use them in a stressful situation: Control your breathing – when you are placing your pay attention to yourself you become really stressed out and forget to breath. Taking deep breaths can help switch the focus of your attention, by focusing less on yourself on more on your breathing. Relax your muscles – practicing meditation can calm you down and help you think more clearly in stressful situations. Relax mentally!


The exactly the same blueprint applies when you are talking to yourself. Be kind and loving towards yourself, this will help you to feel more in control of your mind and your feelings (especially when negative thoughts start creeping in). Being unruffled it’s not just when you are in the spotlight. However, here are seldom tips on how to become more advanced self-aware: Find what triggers to be self-conscious. Once you identified exactly why you feel self-conscious, start challenging your thoughts. Self-consciousness often stems from feeling unworthy and insecure and constantly worrying about what other people think about you. Realize that as much as you believe that everyone is focusing their attention on you, they all more preoccupied with their own lives, hardly noticing or thinking about you. Learn how to be more advanced confident. Visualize yourself in a position where you felt determined and loved and not doubtful about what the “world” might say about you – just enjoying the moment! Use make fun of as a thus to detach yourself from the outcome. Learn how to laugh at yourself in a proper and witty saying walkway and acknowledge that you are not perfect and that’s okay too!